Sure Flow continues to provide a wide variety of industrial valves and strainers to a diverse number of industries critical to our modern lives.
As we write this post, North America is in the depths of winter, and an unexpected storm has caused widespread power outages in the south. The critical nature of power generation quickly becomes apparent as the blackouts lead newscasts, electricity stops flowing and the temperature drops.
Many of our custom fabricated units end up in power generation, straining boiler feed water and in an number of other applications. We take the critical nature of these products very seriously because we know the impact of them on individuals lives.
The unit below is a 24 inch DBH150 Type Three Dual Basket Strainer that we custom designed and fabricated for a customer.
The unit is carbon steel class 150 construction.
It has raised faced flanged inlet and outlets. The inlet and outlets are offset with a short face-to-face compact design.
Our customer required four wafer style butterfly valves with gears for isolation. They also required legs to support the complete unit.
It’s somewhat hard to make out in this photograph but there is a differential pressure gauge to measure the pressure drop across the complete assembly.
The covers include quick open bolt closures for basket removal.
On the top you’ll notice NPT vents with quarter turn ball valves.
Sure Flow continues to custom design and fabricate units like this to meet our customer’s varied requirements.
If you have a unique industrial process that requires straining, please contact our engineering department with your specifications and let our team get started on a solution.
(Sorry, on the photo below we didn’t get to the camera before some of the yellow shipping straps were on.)