Acer’s Dog Blog!

Anyone who has followed Sure Flow blogs over the many years, has a pretty good idea that John Wordsworth, CEO and founder of Sure Flow Equipment, has a pretty big place in his heart for “Man’s Best Friend.”
Sure Flow’s current mascot is “Acer the Wonder Dog.” Acer’s a purebred golden retriever who has found a way into all of our hearts in the Sure Flow family. He is a sweet, affectionate dog who regularly makes the rounds to make sure everyone is in good spirits. There is something about an animal that just wants you to throw a tennis ball for him, that reminds you of the simple joys that animals experience every day.
“Over my life I have had many companions. They are a part of life and heart. They will look you in the eye with love and knock you on the head at 5:00 am to wake you up. Acer is my newest addition and is eight months old. My other buddies – Gunner and Milo – are sitting by the pool in Florida. Wish you and your family a great weekend, be safe!” John.
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To all my longstanding friends and customers:
I sincerely apologize for not communicating with you over the last few months. But I am another year older as of January 26, 2024; I turned 72! I still have loyal staff who can handle your inquiries.
We have handled many economic and medical conditions over the years and I am proud of my family of staff. We march through the dilemmas and come out stronger.
We are here with new products!
In closing, after five months in the hospital with a broken ankle, I am back with my boys at home.

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My Dogs at Work
We recently got some photos of Odus and Acer outside at Sure Flow. It would appear it might be time to prune the hydrangea’s in front of the sign a bit, but once you get those lovely blooms it’s hard to cut them back. Hopefully we can do that this fall. Regardless of the surroundings, my two Golden Retrievers are getting along famously. I’m really pleased to have some company for Acer after a few months of him being solo, or lacking canine companionship.
They may be high spirited dogs but they were well behaved enough to sit for this photo session.
We also took a photo of the dogs in front of the Sure Flow flag poles, which were at half-mast. We had a rough few weeks when three of our employees lost a parent. These are tough things for people to deal with, so we like to acknowledge it at Sure Flow.
The changing seasons in the north help us deal with some of these challenges. The approaching winter always reminds us that every living thing, including the leaves on trees, have a natural timeline. They also remind us to enjoy the good weather while we can.
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New Addition to the Wordsworth Family
I wasn’t trying to throw anyone off with the title of this post, but we have adopted a new dog, and like all our dogs he is a member of the family.
We adopted “Odus”, a 2 year old Golden Retriever, in September from the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. These dogs originally were trained to help visually impaired individuals but they have expanded to include Hearing, Service, Seizure Response, Autism Assistance, Diabetic Alert and Facility Support. The dogs are trained extensively for these services and sometimes certain dogs just don’t have the disposition to function well in these environments.
Odus was one of those dogs that just didn’t quite fit all the parameters required. He’s a great dog and we’re thrilled to have him join our family. He has settled in well and become best buddies with Acer, our four-year-old Golden Retriever.
Odus was a rarity in the program in that he was a Golden Retriever. This of course was one of my main attractions to him. I have had five ‘Goldens’ through the course of my life and Odus is now number 6.
His registration will be Odus Milo Gunner Spencer Wordsworth.
We were lucky to have received a photo of Odus as a puppy. Is there is anything as cute a Golden Retriever puppy? Anything? I don’t think so.
He is big, enthusiastic dog who sleeps with Acer and loves attention.
He loves water which is great for us, and he loves chasing squirrels. This may have been one of his personality traits that didn’t mesh well with him being a guide dog. He gets distracted on walks very easily, by squirrels, birds… well, you name it. In fact, just to prove he’d fit in with our family he got sprayed by a skunk at 5 in the morning last Saturday.
Odus is great in the car which is helpful for a mobile family like ours.
Acer and Odus love our walks and they already sleep together which is great to see. It’s so nice to see Acer has such a good buddy again.
In the adoption description of Odus it said “People wise, all he wants is to be adored by someone. Someone to play with, love and cuddle.”
Clearly Odus has come to the right place!
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MILO – My Tie
Every once in a while, a dog/companion enters your life and changes everything.
Milo passed away in my arms on October 21st. He would have been ten years old on November 28th. He was a gentle giant who would raise his head and look into your eyes as if to say ‘I love you.’
Milo changed my life. I rescued him, but in reality, he rescued me.
Milo and the late Gunner were great buds. They would sleep together. Both boys loved Florida. They would lay out in the sun no matter what the temperature.
Milo always had a smile on his face. He would roll over every morning with a big stretch and want his tummy rubbed. He was a good boy. He would hand me his paw.

I often find this writing as great comfort when I lose a cherished friend.
Rainbow Bridge
Author Unknown
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor, those who were hurt or maimed are made whole again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing, they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent, his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands caress the beloved head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together…

In the summer at my farm he would lay in the grass and watch the deer, geese and ducks, just taking in
He was also a barker! Our home is gated. He loved to lay at the gate and bark at all the joggers passing by.
He always slept on our bed, fighting with Gunner for the best spot.
When Gunner passed, the new guy, Acer, who is now two and a half years old, and Milo became best buddies. It’s funny how dogs are. Acer misses Milo, and so do I.
Milo – nicknamed “My Tie” will be missed by so many friends. He touched the heart and soul of so many people.
He was good Boy!
Dogs are small rays of light charged on earth for a short time to brighten our days.

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Acer “The Quarterback”
Well he is not making millions a year but he sure loves football. It’s hard to believe that summer 2019 is almost over. The geese are flying south and the mornings are becoming chilly. One thing I love about the great north of Canada is seeing the leaves change to crimson red.
Acer and Milo (my old guy who is now 11 years) shed their summer coats and start dressing up for winter.

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Acer – King of Snow Mountain
We in the north have just gone through one of our “Polar Vortexes” and it’s been cold. On top of the cold, there was lots of snow that came along with it.
For most of us, the instinct is to stay indoors and find something to watch on TV. But dogs get bored of TV pretty fast and just want to get outside and play, and Acer is no exception.
In fact rather than watching football, Acer was making his own spectacular catches on Sunday in his own personal “Snow-per-Bowl”.

While we limited his snow time on the coldest of the days, many days recently he’s been anxious to get outside and burn off some energy.

While he’s always happy chasing a ball or toy, he seems to take particular pleasure in playing “King of the Hill” or “King of Snow Mountain” on some of the Sure Flow snow banks. As the snow got deeper, the Sure Flow parking lot snow banks got higher and higher. It’s like it’s a recipe for “Dog Joy” of the highest order.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone because you can’t keep Acer out of the water in the warmer weather, so really, it’s just frozen water he’s playing with.
Acer’s on his way to Florida shortly, to work on his tan. For the rest of us, we’ll just have to get out and get some sun on our face when the sun is out to try and get some Vitamin D.

Polar vortex? What Polar Vortex? The snow’s great… come on in!

Snow Camo! Bet ya can’t even see me!
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We’ve had some inquiries about what Acer “The Wonder Dog” has been up to lately, so thought we should bring readers up-to-date.
Acer was fortunate enough to spend a little time in Florida late this fall, which was a welcome reprise from the gloomy, cloudy weather. For a dog that loves water, access to a pool is pretty awesome.
Over the holidays Acer and John, got to spend some time with Janet’s mom. Born 93 years ago in Caraquet New Brunswick she had a great time spending some time with Acer and her family away from her retirement home.
Acer would like to point out, that even though this photo would seem to provide proof that he “may” periodically cruise coffee tables at this level for holiday treats (see right hand side of the photo), he did NOT eat that plate of short bread cookies he was accused of eating. And, well, even if he did, he worked them off later outside rolling in the snow. So stop worrying about it.

There is clearly a preference between “Inside” and “Outside” activities for the dogs in the Wordsworth household, depending on the weather. Inside projects often involve wrestling stuffed animals, which is much preferred to destroying shoes and furniture. Here Milo takes on that dreaded purple toy challenge.
Acer, on the other hand, seems more enthused that January is also football playoff season, and after watching some of those games played in northern stadiums during snowstorms, he decided he’d prefer to play out in the snow himself rather than watch someone else have all the fun chasing balls.
A little snow and cold is in fact not a reason to stay inside, but is in fact inspiration to play outside with increased vigor! With the Super Bowl being played indoors this year, Acer is going to be a purist and spend part of the day rollicking in the snow, like all good dogs should!

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Best Friends Come in All Sizes at Sure Flow
Please join me in welcoming our newest addition to the Sure Flow Team: Teddy!
Here, only for a short time, he reminds us of some of Sure Flow’s core values.
Teddy, pictured upper right on the Sure Flow Knight pedestal, is a purebred red toy poodle, born 12 weeks ago and weighing in at a lofty 2.6 lbs.
Acer, seated below under Teddy’s watching gaze, is 15 months old, was born in Seattle, Washington and weighs 72 lbs. Acer’s head is twice the size of Teddy’s.
While visiting Sure Flow Teddy makes sure that my staff and other companions stay in compliance with ISO procedure and put their best foot/paw forward. Sure Flow holds the ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of Registration for the design, manufacture and distribution of industrial valves and strainers.
Acer and Teddy, like the wide variety of sizes of our diverse product line, remind us that we all contribute in our own way, regardless of our size.
Teddy has been a very welcome addition to the Sure Flow team and will be visiting often to make sure everyone walks the line.
Please make sure to contact the wonderful team of Sure Flow Equipment at 1-800-263-8251 with any inquiries. They are here to help!
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This is a portrait of “ACER” at 6 months. I should have named him “Shadow”. He follows me everywhere. It’s sometimes difficult to get out of the shower. He blocks the door! He is with me 24 hours a day. Acer is a GREAT companion and friend.
As I write this Acer is by my desk sleeping.
Acer loves the water, If I turn my back, he will be in the shower or bath tub, or in the lake.
I have a home in Northern Canada! He is in the lake till he drops. Swim Swim.
My buddy is the second Captain of our ship here at Sure Flow. He’s involved in all of our meetings.
He’s on guard for our re-certification for I.S.O.
On a personal note, we would like to thank all concerned, especially Julia & Penni.
Good Job!
Our certification was renewed with flying colors.
We maintain all of our qualifications, which are listed on our website:
The rock star “Acer” ensures we conform at present and future.
In closing, a special thanks to Kathy Hagerman, who painted the portrait and for that matter has painted all of my furry friends.
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On May 13th, 2018 we lost Gunner, our black lab. He loves his brothers, Milo and Acer, who miss him dearly. Gunner was one of a kind.
Could he swim! Bless him; he would spend hours jumping off the dock at our Northern home. And man, that water was cold! He chased the geese in the water until he was exhausted.
I never hunted game with Gunner, bur he had a nose that could find a frozen donut in the snow. Funnily enough, one New Year’s Eve I was out taking him for a walk and he found a cell phone in the snow!
Gunner was a really smart dog. He could do any trick you can name. We even taught him to close doors.
He loved all water!
Gunner, August 1, 2006 – May 13, 2018
Gunner, I will always miss you sleeping by my side.

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The Water Boy
With regrets I lost my black lab Gunner this week. He was a great companion and could find a pigeon in a second. I miss his companionship at night.
I am grateful though that he has left me two great friends, Milo and Acer.
I have been fortunate to have such great companions. I love him so deeply.
Gunner the Runner; God Bless you.
John Leonard Wordworth.
May 2018

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The Skunk in the Yard
Here’s my buddy Acer playing in the creek.
He is 11 months old. He is Top of the World for companion dogs.
Love the water or hate it, Acer he’s the best.
His favorite trick right now is knocking me on my head at 5:00 am reminding me it’s time for a walk.
With his love of chasing things that move, I am increasingly concerned because my back yard has a great collection of raccoons and skunks.
Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? Well my old guy Spencer got sprayed!
It takes a year to get out that skunk smell out of a Golden Retriever’s fur. Every time it rains the smell comes back.
I love my companions, and one might even say they are a bit spoiled!

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Well I have had Milo since he was six months old! He is the most affectionate dog.
What I really love about him, and all of my companions, is that I can walk my farm and he will not wander. Crazy thing is, he does not like the water. This is very unusual for a Golden Retriever.
He is in Florida now, getting a tan. Milo, when he’s in town, comes to my office and runs the 120,000 square foot warehouse. He likes to check all of our new products. You can see our BRAND NEW products here.
My three Labradors are part of my family and so is Sure Flow.

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Gunner the Runner
Along with my dog’s Acer and Milo, I also have another best buddy that seems to follow me around wherever I go.
When he is not lying on the beach in Florida, he is at my Burlington, Ontario facility keeping everyone on their toes.
His name, you ask, is Gunner!
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The Rock Star
Every night and morning, myself and Acer walk to the water. It’s hard to believe he is only 8 months old and 75 pounds.
My other buddies pictured below are laying by the pool in Florida! Thinking about strainers, check valves, butterfly valves, pump connectors and fabricated products.
Acer is the police at Sure Flow.
Acer runs our facility to insure everyone is having a good day, and being complicit with policies.
New prices are available. Please contact our sales team at 1-800-263-8251.
I will NOT be undersold.
John Wordsworth

Gunner is a family favorite at the Sure Flow facility. When he comes around, you’d better be not too busy to lift up your head and give him the latest developments.
Gunner has been in my life for over 13 years now. With every year the more educated he becomes on my favourite Sure Flow products.
Please feel free to give my team, or Gunner, a call to pick out the perfect Strainer or Valve for your application. Gunner will tell you that we are adding some BRAND NEW products daily and to keep visiting the website.
PS – Gunner is not for sale.
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This is a 2005 photo of Gunner my black lab. He’s getting on now and is having some joint issues, but he is still a loyal friend.

Milo is my long-time golden retriever companion. He’s slowed down quite a bit too, but he still loves to spend time with Acer whose antics help keep him young!