These gleaming white Sure Flow Model 0600BW300 6″x10″
Basket Strainers and 1000BW300 10″x16″ Basket Strainers are ready
to ship! Custom Fabricated Basket Strainers were designed c/w Davit
Assembly, SS Perf Strainer Basket including 10 micron mesh liner
and 12″ support legs. Featured on these well-equipped Basket
Strainers is a Differential Pressure Gauge, Switch and Transmitter
Connection Assembly with attached stainless steel tubing leading to
both the strainer inlet and outlet. This is just one of many Custom
Strainer Options offered for your strainer applications.
Differential Pressure (DP) Gauges are used for recording
differences in the amount of pressure entering the inlet end of a
valve/strainer and then of the outlet of the same unit. It can tell
an operator when the unit’s internal strainer basket needs to be
cleaned out, replaced or repaired. To learn more about our Custom
Engineered Strainers, check out our Product Videos and Product
Gallery and Contact Us with your requirements. For a full overview
of our Custom Engineered, Fabricated Industrial Pipeline Strainers,
Filters, Valves and Pipeline Accessories visit: