Over the course of our family’s life we have always
had “pets”. Personally, I like to refer to them as companions. I
could write forever on my family life with our life companions. By
the way, pictured here is my new Sure Flow employee: Milo. I will
tell you about him next time. “Perfect Landing”! I will share a
brief story with you. My daughter “Jessica” wanted a hamster so we
went to the pet store! There was a hamster on sale complete with
cage, etc. for $19.99. He was almost five months old. No one else
wanted him. I said to my family that he needed a chance and the
$19.99 certainly wasn’t an issue. We named him Lucky. Well, Lucky
bit my wife, Janet, once and she tapped him on the nose. Then for
almost the next five years he walked around our house in Janet’s
left hand pocket. When we watched TV he would cuddle with my “big
guy” Golden Retriever, Spencer and get lost in his fur. Lucky
turned out to be the best hamster in the world and was eventually
put to rest in a cigar box in my back lawn. The guys in the Sure
Flow shop made a cross which still remains today. As I mentioned
above, I will let you know all about Milo next week. He is our new
Sure Flow “Super Strainer Man”. Check out my friend’s website:
www.kathyhagerman.com Kathy and Gary found Milo for me. And here is
exciting news from Sure Flow Equipment Inc. — a new catalogue
introducing our new product line of Line Blinds and Bleed Rings –
including Spectacle Blinds, Paddle Blinds, Paddle Spacers and Bleed
Rings / Flushing Rings. See my blog of October 15, 2010 Product
Development – Leading Edge Design Request your new Line Blinds and
Bleed Rings catalogue today. Just give us a call, send an email or
submit our Literature Request Form. Always innovative and expanding
our line of industrial strainers, filters, valves and custom
engineered, fabricated strainers and valves Check us out at :