Fabricated Flanged Basket Strainers
BWEB150 – Carbon Steel and BWEB150SS – Stainless Steel with With Quick Opening Eye Bolts
Sure Flow Fabricated Flanged Basket Strainers were initially developed for the petrochemical market. With continuous success they have now become a standard product available off the shelf in most sizes. The unique quick-opening closure and venting allows the field operator, in a timely and safe fashion, to remove the basket for cleaning. An o-ring seal provides positive sealing of the cover.
NOTES Higher ASME pressure ratings available Larger sizes available Manufacturer reserves the right to modify dimensions, materials, or design. Consult factory for certification.
Size: 0200
Model: BWEB150SS
Screen: 045
2” Basket Strainer, Stainless Steel, Class 150 ASME Flanges, 3/64” Perf Screen