FRP : Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic

P-Series FRP Strainer

P-Series Strainers are made from a highly corrosion resistant pipe system with reinforced chemical resistant barrier. 

Strainers are fabricated with premium resins-Derakane 411 or Hetron 922. 

P-Series Strainers are recommended for use in a wide range of moderate to aggressive corrosion environments.

Material Features

•  Integral corrosion resistant liner
•  Bisphenol A vinyl ester resin throughout corrosion liner and structure
•  50 to 150 psi rating
•  Joining with Tapered Adhesive, Butt & Wrap, or O-Ring joints
•  U.V. protected
•  Optional fire retardant resins
•  Temperature limitation of 180 deg. F (82 deg. C)


Sure Flow FRP double bolt Vertical Horizontal closure

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H-Series FRP Strainer

H-Series Strainers have enhanced corrosion resistance for high temp. environments up to 200 deg. F. It has improved resistance to strong acids, solvents, and oxidizing agents.

Strainers are fabricated with premium resins- Derakane 470 or Hetron 970.

H-Series Strainers are recommended for hot concentrated HCl and has been used extensively in mineral process industry applications.

Material Features

•  Custom designed corrosion barriers
•  Elevated temperature performance
•  Enhanced solvent resistance
•  Bisphenol A vinyl ester or epoxy Novolac vinyl ester resin
•  50 to 150 psi rating
•  Joining with Tapered Adhesive or Butt & Wrap joints
•  U.V. protected
•  Optional fire retardant resins
•  Temperature limitation of 220 deg. F (104 deg. C)

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A-Series FRP Strainer

A-Series Strainers have enhanced resistance to erosive slurries and is the standard material used in Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) projects worldwide for over 35 years.

The material of construction of these strainers out-perform Standard FRP, Rubber Lined Carbon Steel, and Alloy piping in fine particle slurries including limestone, gypsum, & lime). Strainers are fabricated with premium resins-Derakane 411 or 470, Hetron 922 or 970. Strainers shall have a nominal 110 mil abrasion/corrosion barrier comprised glass in a specially formulated abrasion resistant resin matrix.

Material Features

•  Integral abrasion resistant liner
•  Resistant to chlorides and fluorides
•  50 to 150 psi rating
•  Joining with Tapered Adhesive and Butt & Wrap joints
•  U.V. protected
•  Optional fire retardant resins
•  Temperature limitation of 180 deg. F (82 deg. C)


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